Giving to Grace comes in many forms.
As the community of Faith at Grace Episcopal we strive toward the Biblical standard of tithing. We understand not all people can tithe but we firmly believe that we should always be striving toward the tithe as our goal for giving.
We also recognize that tithing is not only about the financial commitment to Grace but also the sharing of our time and talents with our immediate Grace community . . . And with the community in which we find ourselves locally and within our world.
It has been our experience that as we commit our finances, time and talents to the work of God we receive in return a far greater blessing.
We invite you to join us in our journey of recognizing that all we have and are blessed with is from the Lord . . . and that by pledging to return a small portion of that we are about the work of God.
Visit Us
871 Merrimon Ave.
Asheville, NC 28804
Regular office hours are Monday and Thursday, 9-3 and Wednesdays 9-12 excluding holidays.
Service Times
RITE II 10:30am
Choral and Family Holy Eucharist
Taizé 6:00pm Tuesday
Ecumenical music and prayers in the Taizé tradition
Latest Sermon
- 5th Sunday After the Epiphany, February 9, 2025 – Rev. McReeFebruary 9, 2025